
Welcome to Corner Stone Keynotes: Your Hub for Storing and Scripturally Aligning Your Teachings

Hey there, Fellow Minister and Teacher,

I'm Pastor Gary Caudill. Picture this: a one-of-a-kind, sacred corner online where you can securely store all your sermons, messages, and teachings. That's exactly what you get with Corner Stone Keynotes—a platform designed to elevate your ministry's effectiveness by directly connecting any or all of your content with the related Scriptures, respectively. Here's the rundown:

  • Message Archive:  Compile all your teachings with ease. Our unique "keys" allow you to directly tie each sermon or lesson to its corresponding Bible passage, crafting a cohesive spiritual narrative for others to explore.
  • Interactive Faith Community:  Deepen your ministry's impact with Scripture-based interactions. Our platform's built-in contact forms and sharing options empower you to foster a community grounded in the Word.
  • Easy-to-Use Platform:  Transition smoothly into your new online space with a monthly donation amount of your choice (we don't want to turn anyone down for lack of resources so we are trusting God to help us enable your ministry if it is His will). Also one-time setup donation helps us cover costs to ensure your site is customized to fit your ministry needs—complete with SSL security, Google Maps, social media links, and on-site SEO. You'll also get your own subdomain, cloud hosting, and step-by-step video guides for easy updates. Additional features like real-time traffic data, an accessibility starter kit, and reliable support are included, with optional extras like Google Calendar and chat box available upon request. Want to focus solely on your ministry without the hassle of updates? Opt for our done-for-you services (custom quotes available for this option to ensure quality and consistency).  We'll pray and seek sponsorship for you if needed. We offer this for both our standard and done-for-you options.  We will pray to match you up with a willing sponsor who will invest in the publication of God's Word through your ministry if needed. 
  • Focused on the Word, Tailored for Your Ministry:  Corner Stone Keynotes is designed to uplift the Word of God while providing you with the tools to share it effectively. Your teachings, sermons, and selected resources are prominently and exclusively featured at your sole discretion, allowing your specific voice to be heard as guided by The Spirit, all in the context of glorifying the Scriptures.

Explore With Our Guided Walkthrough!

Before diving in, I suggest spending a few minutes watching our how-to video. It'll give you a clear understanding of what Corner Stone Keynotes can do for your ministry. Feel free to test out our beta version, showcasing the platform's capabilities. I'm confident you'll find it engaging. As you explore, envision how this tool could be tailored to serve your specific ministry needs. If you navigate away but want to revisit, just come back to this "Invite" page and fill out the form at the bottom. We're excited about the possibility of enhancing your ministry through this dedicated resource!
Take a Look
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Become an Accelerator for Ministries Focused on the Gospel

When you partner with us, you're not just supporting our ministry, you're actively participating in a greater mission to extend the reach of God's Word. By joining Corner Stone Keynotes, you become part of a potentially world-changing platform. CSK is a specially designed platform crafted to showcase your specific teachings, all securely anchored in Scripture. Your involvement not only propels our collective calling but also provides you with an invaluable tool to deepen and broaden your own ministry's impact through discipleship and evangelism.
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A Partnership for Expanding God's Kingdom – Your Personal Invitation

Be a foundational piece in an initiative aimed squarely at glorifying God with Corner Stone Keynotes. Our mission is to empower ministries across the globe to share the good news of Christ more effectively. We've designed various pathways, each specifically tailored to align with your ministry gifts and callings, inviting you to be a part of this unique opportunity in spreading the Gospel.

Join us on this singular platform, where spiritual growth, cooperative Gospel efforts, and your exclusive opportunity await.

In Christ's Service,
Pastor Gary Caudill

Corner Stone Keynotes - Invitation Inquiry Form

Kindly complete this form to advance with your exclusive invite request to Corner Stone Keynotes. Your input aids in upholding the distinctiveness and mission of our community.